User licenses are monthly commitments. You'll be charged immediately for the rest of the month. After that, you'll be charged on the 1st of each month.
Used by Microsoft Azure AD to authenticate with the application and to synchronize user accounts. This account must have ...
User assignments are required in order to view {0} in the user's application list. Use configure to change. Note: This only ...
USER ID LABEL How do you refer to user accounts in your organization? Configure this here so we use this term instead of ...
USER ID PLACEHOLDER This will replace "[email protected]" that's shown as a hint in the user ID input field on the Azure ...
User licenses are monthly commitments. You'll be charged immediately for the rest of the month. After that, you'll be charged ...
User provisioning from Workday is currently incompatible with the use of the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync tool, ...
Users belonging to the selected groups will no longer be able to use this application. Their data in the application may ...
Users can use {0} while you update your template image. When the update is complete, they need to sign out and then sign ...
Users who have previously signed up for one or more services using their organization's e-mail address are now part of your ...