Visual Studio 2013

  1. Firewall profile options: /domain : enable domain networks, such as a workplace network /private : enable private networks, ...
  2. First statement of this 'Sub New' must be a call to 'MyBase.New' or 'MyClass.New' because base class '|1' of '|2' does not ...
  3. First statement of this 'Sub New' must be a call to 'MyBase.New' or 'MyClass.New' because base class '|1' of '|2' has more ...
  4. First statement of this 'Sub New' must be an explicit call to 'MyBase.New' or 'MyClass.New' because the '|1' in the base ...
  5. First statement of this 'Sub New' must be an explicit call to 'MyBase.New' or 'MyClass.New' because the '|1' in the base ...
  6. First statement of this 'Sub New' should be an explicit call to 'MyBase.New' or 'MyClass.New' because the '|1' in the base ...
  7. First statement of this 'Sub New' should be an explicit call to 'MyBase.New' or 'MyClass.New' because the '|1' in the base ...
  8. Fix it now by going to test settings manager. Click Ignore and continue if you want to proceed testing without recording ...
  9. Fixed size buffer type must be one of the following: bool, byte, short, int, long, char, sbyte, ushort, uint, ulong, float ...
  10. Folders that contain checked out items cannot be deleted by your source control provider. If you continue with the change, ...
  11. Folders that contain checked out items cannot be deleted by your source control provider. If you continue with the rename, ...
  12. Following information could not be added to build information because there was an error while communicating with TFS: {0}. ...
  13. For a hierarchical security namespace, either the separator character or the element length must be set and the other one ...
  14. For a Port, the Interface that this Port provides or requires. For a Part, the type of element to be used, which is usually ...
  15. For a test that cannot be run, this property describes why it cannot be run. For a test that can be run, this property is ...
  16. For built-in controls, this argument is used by the container application to run the command. For custom controls, you can ...
  17. For each of the above items, another item currently has the original name. You must first delete this item before you can ...
  18. For each role in the test environment, you can select the data you want to collect, or the actions to perform on the system. ...
  19. For Each' on type '|1' is ambiguous because the type implements multiple instantiations of 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of ...
  20. For example, the value '{0}' may indicate a case not covered by the pattern(s). However, a pattern rule with a 'when' clause ...
  21. For function '%1$ls' %2$ls, for annotation '%3$ls' the annotation's parameter %4$d does not match that found at %5$ls(%6$d). ...
  22. For information on known setup issues, see the Microsoft Visual Studio readme, Readme.htm, located at the root of the installation ...
  23. For many scenarios, the easiest way to setup remote debugging is to run the remote debugger (msvsmon.exe) from a file share. ...
  24. For more information about %s, see the %s website at For customer support, call 1-800-xxx-xxxx. %d %s Inc. ...
  25. For more information about modifying your browser settings or installing browser extensions that allow you to launch a network ...
  26. For more information about valid naming conventions for projects, see the topic "Naming Restrictions for Team Foundation ...
  27. For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit ...
  28. For more information, see the and the sideloading requirements. You must sign into with a Microsoft account. You can create ...
  29. For non-linguistic comparisons, StringComparison.Ordinal or StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase should be used instead of ...
  30. For production environments this should be Tcp. On corpnet if you have Forefront TMG proxy installed, this can be Tcp otherwise ...
  31. For selected operating system, if you intend to specify the password as blank for the Administrator, enter '*' (without the ...
  32. For self-referential relationships defined on an attached data source, only zero or one to many, or one to many multiplicity ...
  33. For signed assemblies to run in the browser, the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute may be required. Make sure that you ...
  34. For Team Foundation Server to communicate with host machines, the service account under which Team Foundation Server is running ...
  35. For Team Foundation Server to communicate with hosts, the service account under which Team Foundation Server is running must ...
  36. For Team Foundation Server to communicate with VMM, the service account under which Team Foundation Server is running must ...
  37. For TFS OI deployments, enables CSR collection of MachineManagement channels. Enable this if you configured TFS MachineManagement. ...
  38. For the following release templates to support triggering a release from a build, this release path must have the first stage ...
  39. For the test agent process to start even after restart of the machine, you need to either log in as {0} or enable auto logon. ...
  40. For the {0} element label '{1}', you have defined a label position that is different from the other controls in that group. ...
  41. foreach requires that the return type '%1!ls!' of '%2!ls!' must have a suitable public MoveNext method and public Current ...
  42. foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type '%1!ls!' because '%2!ls!' does not contain a public definition for ...
  43. foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type '%1!ls!' because it implements multiple instantiations of '%2!ls!'; ...
  44. Forecast lines cannot be drawn. Based on the velocity you have entered, the first item on your backlog cannot be completed ...
  45. Form a polar coordinate using the anchor point as pole and the direction/norm of parent line segment/shape as pole-axis, ...
  46. Form a polar coordinate using the anchor point as pole and the direction/norm of parent line segment/shape as pole-axis, ...
  47. Form the agent reservation spec from the virtual machine and expand environment variables in command and arguments. This ...
  48. Format string mismatch: character string passed as _Param_(%1$d) when a wide character string is required in call to '%2$ls' ...
  49. Format string mismatch: wide character string passed as _Param_(%1$d) when character string is required in call to '%2$ls' ...
  50. Found multiple DNS record of type {0} for name {1} when only one is expected. Assuming record {2} {3} as valid and continuing. ...
  51. Friend access was denied to '|1'. If you want the compiler to consider friend types in '|1', add the public key information ...
  52. Friend access was granted to '%1!ls!', but the output assembly is named '%2!ls!'. Try adding a reference to '%1!ls!' or changing ...
  53. Friend assembly reference '%1!ls!' is invalid. InternalsVisibleTo declarations cannot have a version, culture, public key ...
  54. Friend assembly reference '%1!ls!' is invalid. Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo ...
  55. Friend assembly reference '|1' is invalid. InternalsVisibleTo declarations cannot have a version, culture, public key token, ...
  56. Friend assembly reference '|1' is invalid. Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo ...
  57. Friend keyword Specifies that one or more declared programming elements are accessible only from within the assembly that ...
  58. from 'implements |3' is already implemented by the base class '|4'. Re-implementation of Windows Runtime Interface '|5' is ...
  59. from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL are compiled with the !output UPPER_CASE_SAFE_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER_NAME]_EXPORTS ...
  60. Full Include Path : Read-only property returning the entire include path for a tool. This encompasses both values set in ...
  61. FULL recovery model processing and a backup of your data must be confirmed prior to running the Attach command against collection ...
  62. Function %1$ls appears with no prototype in scope. Only limited analysis can be performed. Include the appropriate header ...
  63. Function %1$ls was previously defined with a different parameter list at %2$ls(%3$d). Some analysis tools will yield incorrect ...
  64. Function '%1' contains a block that exceeds 65536 bytes in length. The block will not be instrumented. Incomplete coverage ...
  65. Function '|1' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result ...
  66. Function evaluation disabled because a previous function evaluation timed out. You must continue execution to reenable function ...
  67. Function evaluation is disabled because a previous function evaluation timed out. To re-enable function evaluation, step ...
  68. Function Order : Places COMDATs into the image in a predetermined order; specify file name containing the order; no incremental ...
  69. Function statement Declares the name, parameters, and code that define a Function procedure, that is, a procedure that returns ...
  70. function-style call on an expression of type '%$T' would lose const and/or volatile qualifiers for all %d available operator ...
  71. Functionality needed by the profiler has been intercepted by another application. This is frequently caused by security software ...
  72. Gathering interaction measurements for multi-tiered applications will help you understand database usage patterns and key ...
  73. General options: /quiet : error dialogs (or other blocking UI) will be suppressed. The exit code for the msvsmon.exe process ...
  74. General Settings : Provides a pointer to the object containing the information for the General tab for the selected configuration. ...
  75. Generate code in CDocument- and CView-derived classes that will be called from Search and Thumbnail handlers and will allow ...