Mailbox moves can't be completed automatically. You can use the Resume-MoveRequest cmdlet to complete them when the status is AutoSuspended.
Mailbox Dumpsters Moved Items is the total number of items moved from the dumpsters by the Managed Folder Assistant since ...
Mailbox Dumpsters Skipped is the total number of mailboxes for which the dumpster cleanup was skipped by the Managed Folder ...
Mailbox Dumpsters Skipped Items is the total number of items found in the dumpsters of skipped mailboxes by the Managed Folder ...
Mailbox Item Fetch Total is the total number of mailbox item fetch requests that have been processed since the service was ...
Mailbox moves can't be completed automatically. You can use the Resume-MoveRequest cmdlet to complete them when the status ...
Mailbox Offline Exception Failure % is the percentage of the last 1024 requests that returned the MailboxOffline exception. ...
Mailbox Search Total is the total number of Mailbox Search requests that have been processed since the service was started. ...
Mailbox server '{0}' cannot be removed from the database availability group because mailbox database '{1}' has multiple copies. ...
Mailbox server '{0}' is currently a member of database availability group '{1}'. It cannot be added to database availability ...