Usage: %1!s! name= user= domain=]string password=]string Parameters: Tag Value name - Name of the interface to be added. ...

Usage: %1!s! [name=] [user=] [[domain=]string         [password=]string]                                                                                                     Parameters:                                                                                                                          Tag              Value                                         name           - Name of the interface to be added.             user           - Name of the user account.                      domain         - Domain of the user account.                    password       - Password of the user account.                                                                          Remarks: Sets the credentials used to connect an interface.                                                                   Examples:                                                                                                                            %1!s! name="Demand-Dial Interface" user=guest              %1!s! name="Demand-Dial Interface" user=admin               domain=mydomain password=mypassword