This business intelligence enhancement requires the dimension to have a data source. Generate a data source view for the dimension before adding this business intelligence enhancement.
This backup set will not be restored because all data has already been restored to a point beyond the time covered by this ...
This BACKUP WITH DIFFERENTIAL will be based on more than one file backup. All those file backups must be restored before ...
This buffer has been orphaned. The buffer manager has shut down, leaving an outstanding buffer and no cleanup will occur ...
This buffer represents the end of the rowset and its row count cannot be altered. An attempt was made to call AddRow or RemoveRow ...
This business intelligence enhancement requires the dimension to have a data source. Generate a data source view for the ...
This cell contains the text string . You can press Ctrl+0 inside the cell to replace it with a NULL value. Do you want to ...
This chart area cannot be deleted at this time. The series hosted in it are incompatible with series in other chart areas. ...
This chart area cannot be selected because it has another series of incompatible Chart Type. Please select another Chart ...
This chart area cannot be selected because it has another series of incompatible chart type. Select another chart area or ...