Relationships between the following columns are in errorParent table: %1Parent columns: %2Child table: %3Child columns: %4
Publish and save are disabled because the certificate to sign this form template is not available or is invalid. To resolve ...
Publish this form template as a template in a form library. A form library stores forms based on this form template. Users ...
Read-only views are not supported in (!idspnInfoPath_Short_2003).When the form is filled out in (!idspnInfoPath_Short_2003) ...
Relationships between the following columns are in errorParent table: %1!s!Parent columns: %2!s!Child table: %3!s!Child columns: ...
Relationships between the following columns are in errorParent table: %1Parent columns: %2Child table: %3Child columns: %4 ...
Relative paths to files that are not listed in the Resource Files dialog box are not supported. Enter an absolute path to ...
Removing a custom Input Scope from this list will remove it from all controls in this form template that use it. This action ...
Removing the data connection will affect anything that references it, including controls, rules, roles, submit settings and ...
Required fields of type xsd:base64Binary may not show validation errors correctly when the form is edited in a Web browser. ...