TF400521: The value must be an integer value greater than zero for the following sub-element: {0}. The value for the following field is less than zero: {1}.
TF400518: The value of this element is set to: {0}. You must set the value to a field that is not already in use by any of ...
TF400519: The value of this element is set to: {0}. You must set the value to a value that is not already in use by any of ...
TF400520: One or more characters are missing from the following attribute: {0}. The attribute must contain the following ...
TF400520: One or more characters are missing from the following attribute: {0}. The attribute must contain the following ...
TF400521: The value must be an integer value greater than zero for the following sub-element: {0}. The value for the following ...
TF400523: The value of this element is set to: {0}. The value of this element must be set to a field with one of the following ...
TF400524: If a value is specified for Work Item Count Limit, it must either be greater than zero, or set to -1 to disable ...
TF400525: The version of the SQL Server Reporting Services instance specified '{0}' cannot be verified. Make sure the SQL ...
TF400526: An error occurred while attempting to send an email (Request Id: {0}, Requested By: {1}). Verify that the email ...