An error occurred while trying to communicate with the Lync Service. The error provided while trying to access the service is: %1
An error occurred while translating the HTML file. Could not find the required "{1}" tag as a child of the "{2}" tag at line ...
An error occurred while trying to assign an Access Control List to '{0}' with Name '{1}'. Anonymous users cannot have any ...
An error occurred while trying to assign an Access Control List to '{0}' with name '{1}'. At least one user/group in the ...
An error occurred while trying to communicate with the Exchange Web Service. The error provided while trying to access the ...
An error occurred while trying to communicate with the Lync Service. The error provided while trying to access the service ...
An error occurred while trying to grant the user {0} access to the {1} database on the SQL server, {2}. To ensure that PerformancePoint ...
An error occurred while trying to load conguration settigs from the config db. The error provided while trying to access ...
An error occurred while trying to provision an EDU site of type %1. Please ensure the installation completed successfully ...
An error occurred while trying to {0} the item. Contact your administrator to ensure that you have permissions to {0} the ...