Changes made to recipients while using the forest scope may not be immediately viewable in the result pane or when filtering due to Active Directory replication latency. Changes include modification of settings in property pages, creation of new recipients, and removal of recipients. To always view changes immediately, the domain scope should be used instead of the forest scope. Are you sure you want to choose the forest scope?
Caution: Because passwords are sent in clear text, you should configure a secure channel (SSL) to encrypt data transferred ...
Change the scope Select Default to use the implicit write scope for each assigned role, or select an existing custom scope. ...
Changes have been made to the xml file '{0}'. To protect your system the file will not be loaded. To make the {1} page visible ...
Changes made to recipients while using the forest scope may not be immediately viewable in the result pane or when filtering ...
Changes made to recipients while using the forest scope may not be immediately viewable in the result pane or when filtering ...
Changes to the Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy couldn't be saved because the application list is either larger than {0} ...
Changes to the master category list can't be saved because changes made to it by another client couldn't be read. Use the ...
Changes to {0} will only take effect after the Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service is restarted on server {1}. {2} ...
Changing the account namespace of an existing federation trust will result in new federated accounts being created in Windows ...