To delete an IP-specific option value for the reservation address. Syntax: delete reservedoptionvalue User=UserName vendor=VendorName ...

To delete an IP-specific option value for the reservation address.     Syntax:              delete reservedoptionvalue              [User=UserName] [vendor=VendorName]     Parameters:            ReservedIP     - Reserved IP address.            OptCode        - The code for the option type whose reserved                           client configured value is to be deleted.            UserName       - To specify either the current default user                           class or the class specified as UserName. If                           this parameter is used, the User= tag must                           be provided.             VendorName     - To specify either the current default vendor                           class or the class specified as                           VendorName. If this parameter is used, the                           vendor= tag must be provided.     Notes:         Vendor and user classes are supported only for                Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003. To modify                the current defaults for an unspecified class used with                this command, use either the Set userclass or                Set vendorclass commands.     Example:       delete reservedoptionvalue 18                   This command deletes the currently set option value for                 the option identified by code 18 for reserved IP                 address of in the current scope.
English (United States)