Both the Endpoint and the EndpointConfigurationName properties are set in activity '{0}' with OperationName='{1}'. However, only one can be set at a time.
blocked the use of type '{1}' in XAML. If you want to serialize this type, change '{0}'.GetXamlType to return a non-null ...
Bookmark scopes require a host that supports key management. The host you are using does not support key management. If you ...
Both Ends on the EdmRelationshipAttribute for relationship '{0}' have the same Role name '{1}'. The ends of a relationship ...
Both If-Match and If-None-Match HTTP headers cannot be specified at the same time. Please specify either one of the headers ...
Both the Endpoint and the EndpointConfigurationName properties are set in activity '{0}' with OperationName='{1}'. However, ...
Both {0} and {1} use the message name '{2}'. Use the MessageName property of the WebMethod custom attribute to specify unique ...
BoundField {0} contains a control that isn't a TextBox. Override OnDataBindField to inherit from BoundField and add different ...
Buffer supplied to MQReceiveMessage for reading the message body was too small. The message cannot be removed from the queue, ...
BuildManager returned an invalid compiled string '{0}'. Make sure appropriate build providers are registered in the conf ...