Pages from password protected sections cannot be moved to this notebook's Recycle Bin.Do you want to make a permanent deletion?
OneNote cannot send the item because the destination section is not in one of your open notebooks.You can specify a different ...
OneNote needs to download external content. Do you want to continue?Some content in this e-mail message is located on another ...
OneNote will keep links back to this document for each line of notes. You can open the OneNote notes by clicking this button ...
Opening linked files from (!idspnOneNote) is potentially dangerous. Be sure that you trust the person who created this (!idspnOneNote) ...
Pages from password protected sections cannot be moved to this notebook's Recycle Bin.Do you want to make a permanent deletion? ...
Portions of Microsoft Office Document Imaging and Microsoft Office Document Scanning were licensed from ScanSoft, Inc. TextBridge ...
Screen clipping is disabled when digital rights protected content is open. Close the digital rights protected document or ...
Sections that could not be converted have been left in their original format. They may not be completely synced, or may be ...
Select a region of the screen to create a screen clipping, or click anywhere to cancel.You can also create screen clippings ...