Activate multiline discount agreements for a specific item multiline disc. group and a specific customer multiline disc. group.
Action days %1 is not within the postpone/advance margins of %2/%3 or the settings do not allow postpone/receipts, setting ...
Action method %1 of workspace %2 defining action has more than one parameter and second parameter is not a data contract ...
ACTION REQUIRED : There is no valid Facebook user authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages ...
Activate Japanese voucher system with voucher type setup, and set voucher reference of each module in voucher type setup. ...
Activate multiline discount agreements for a specific item multiline disc. group and a specific customer multiline disc. ...
Activate multiline discount agreements for a specific item multiline disc. group and a specific vendor multiline disc. group. ...
Activates the validation concerning the maximum percentage for reducing balance and maximum relation straight line - reducing ...
Activating this category automatically activates its inactive parent categories. Are you sure you want to activate the category ...
Active error - Active database transactions were detected while processing a browser request and have been aborted. Database ...