Replication settings cannot be modified on the replica virtual machine '{0}'. You can modify them on the primary virtual machine.
Replication operation for virtual machine '%1' failed: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) (Primary server: '%5', Replica server: ...
Replication provider failed with error code %3 when processing the replication request for virtual machine '%1' (Virtual ...
Replication provider returned an error for virtual machine '%1'. Review the provider event logs for details. (Virtual machine ...
Replication relationship was created for the Replica virtual machine '%1' with changes to the virtual machine configuration ...
Replication settings cannot be modified on the replica virtual machine '{0}'. You can modify them on the primary virtual ...
Replication settings cannot be modified on the Replica virtual machine {0}. You can modify them on the primary virtual machine. ...
Replication state for virtual machine '%1' is corrupt. (Virtual machine ID %2) Remove replication and then re-enable it. ...
Replication state for virtual machine '%1' was successfully loaded from the configuration on a retry attempt.(Virtual machine ...
Replication task '%3' cannot be performed when replication is in '%4' state for virtual machine '%1'. (Virtual machine ID ...