Usage : show optionvalue all or all : To display all Option values set including those for the user classes and vendor classes. ...

Usage   : show optionvalue [all] or <[user=userName] [vendor=vendorName]>           all         : To display all Option values set including those for                         the user classes and vendor classes.           userName    : To display the option values set for the user class                          userName(Optional). Tag user= must be provided.                         (default is the global userName set by using                          Set userclass). This is valid only for                         Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003.            vendorName  : To display the option values set for the vendor class                          vendorName(Optional). Tag vendor= must be provided.                         (default is the global vendorName set by using                          Set vendorclass). This is valid only for                         Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003.  Purpose : To enumerate and display all options whose values are set for the            current MultiCast Scope for the DHCP Server. Example : show optionvalue           To enumerate and display all Global option values set for the           current DHCP Server.
English (United States)