When you share your personal link with friends you'll get %@ off your next purchase for each friend who signs up. It's our way of saying thanks.
When you select the domain to be federated, %BRAND_AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY% Connect provides you with the necessary information ...
When you set Level to "None", you don't see any user interface elements during the installation. You won't see anything that ...
When you set up directory synchronization with Office 365, you can use password synchronization or identity federation to ...
When you set up single sign-on (also known as identity federation), your users can sign in with their corporate credentials ...
When you share your personal link with friends you'll get %@ off your next purchase for each friend who signs up. It's our ...
When you share your personal link with friends you'll get a special offer: %@ for each friend who signs up. It's our way ...
When you share your personal link with friends you\'ll get %1$s off your next purchase for each friend who signs up. It\'s ...
When you share your personal link with friends you\'ll get a special offer: %1$s for each friend who signs up. It\'s our ...
When you share your personal link with friends, they'll each get %@ off their first purchase. Even better, for each friend ...