Select the replenishment strategy for the products that are covered by the kanban rule. The replenishment strategy defines the method that is used to create or generate kanbans. The options are as follows: Fixed (the user defines and manually creates a fixed quantity of kanbans; the basic kanban concept is defined by a fixed quantity of kanban cards that circulate between the source of supply and the point of consumption; the quantity of active kanbans is constant; when a material handling unit is registered as empty, a new kanban is created to replace it; you define the kanban quantity on the Quantities tab), Scheduled (kanbans are generated during master planning or created manually by the planner based on actual demand, forecast, or minimum stock levels that signal demand), and Event (kanbans are generated directly from demand; define and configure the event type on the Events tab; use this option to set up rules that define a make-to-order scenario).
Select the recurrence pattern. Select Daily and enter the number of days in the Per field. For example, if you enter 15, ...
Select the region (US = county) of the receiving point for this transport (only relevant when Address is selected in the ...
Select the related item or item group to associate with the sequence ID of a specified product. This field is available only ...
Select the relationship you want to attach to a specified batch attribute. This field is determined based on the selections ...
Select the replenishment strategy for the products that are covered by the kanban rule. The replenishment strategy defines ...
Select the report layout that is used for tax reports to the sales tax authority. The report layout that is selected here ...
Select the reporting agency that the injury or illness was reported to. Use the Injury and illness page to set up reporting ...
Select the reporting currency for the ledger and enter the exchange rate to use to convert amounts from the ledger accounting ...
Select the reporting currency for the ledger. After you use this currency on a source document, you cannot change the selected ...