This policy setting determines how Outlook connects to dial-up accounts. If you enable this policy setting, you can choose ...

This policy setting determines how Outlook connects to dial-up accounts.

If you enable this policy setting, you can choose one or more of three options for Outlook:
* Warn before switching an existing dial-up connection - Outlook displays a warning message before a user switches to a connection other than the existing dial-up connection.  If this option is not selected, no switch will occur.
* Hang up when finished sending, receiving, or updating - Outlook automatically disconnects after the user finishes a manual Send/Receive action.
* Automatically dial during a background Send/Receive - Outlook dials automatically when it performs a background Send/Receive. Outlook will send and receive e-mail messages without opening a dialog box and allows the user to continue using Outlook features during the Send/Receive action.

If you disable this policy setting, users will not be allowed to switch to a connection other than the existing dial-up connection.

If you do not configure this policy setting, the behavior is the equivalent of enabling this policy setting and selecting the option: Warn before switching an existing dial-up connection.