Endpoint with Name='{0}' and ServiceContract '{1}' has relative Uri '{2}' that cannot be converted to an absolute Uri because the host argument of GetAddress method is null. Please provide the service host instance that will host the endpoint, or change the relative Uri to an absolute Uri.
Endpoint configuration with name '{1}' for standard endpoint '{0}' was not found in the configuration section '{2}'. This ...
Endpoint for ServiceContract '{0}' cannot be added at this time. ReflectedContractCollection of WorkflowServiceHost is not ...
Endpoint with Name='{0}' and ServiceContract '{1}' has a null or empty Uri property. A Uri for this Endpoint must be provided. ...
Endpoint with Name='{0}' and ServiceContract '{1}' has relative Uri '{2}' that cannot be converted to an absolute Uri because ...
Endpoint with Name='{0}' and ServiceContract '{1}' has relative Uri '{2}' that cannot be converted to an absolute Uri because ...
Ensure that mapping fragments for EntitySet {0} do not map entities with the same primary key to different rows of the same ...
Ensure your data source has updated schema by choosing the Refresh Schema task, if available. The ItemTemplate and LayoutTemplate ...
Enter the number of trace requests to store on the server. You can view cached information by using the trace viewer (ht ...
Enter the relative path to a Microsoft Access database file (*.MDB) or choose Browse to locate the file on your computer. ...