Displays a list of the inventoried versions of a single specified product, and the number of computers each is installed on
Displays a list of computers that have run programs matching the selected software metering rule within the specified month ...
Displays a list of the agents and sites that discovered a specific computer. NOTE: Clicking the Values button to select a ...
Displays a list of the computers that a single specified product is inventoried on, as well as the versions of that product ...
Displays a list of the computers where a specified file name appears in the software inventory, as well as information about ...
Displays a list of the inventoried versions of a single specified product, and the number of computers each is installed ...
Displays a list of the status messages created in the last hour by a specified component on a specified computer in a specified ...
Displays a list of users who have run programs matching the selected software metering rule within the specified month and ...
Displays a summary of all audit status messages for a single user. Audit messages describe actions taken in the SMS Administrator ...
Displays a summary of all instances of software installed and registered with Add or Remove Programs on computers within ...