Description specified for the schedule is too long. The description for a schedule can only take a maximum of 128 characters.
Description of the battery's charge status. Values such as \"Fully Charged\" (value=3) or \"Partially Charged\" (11) can ...
Description specified for the calendar event is too long. The description for a calendar event can only take a maximum of ...
Description specified for the policy is too long. The description for a policy can only take a maximum of 128 characters. ...
Description specified for the process matching criteria is too long. The description for a PMC can only take a maximum of ...
Description specified for the schedule is too long. The description for a schedule can only take a maximum of 128 characters. ...
Description: Adds a contact to the directory. Syntax: dsadd contact -fn -mi -ln -display -desc -office -tel -email -hometel ...
Description: Adds a driver group to a WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL /Add-DriverGroup /DriverGroup: /Server: /Enabled:{Yes | ...
Description: Adds a driver package that is in the WDS driver store to an existing boot image on the server. The image version ...
Description: Adds a filter to a driver group on a WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL /Add-DriverGroupFilter /DriverGroup: /Server: ...