Publisher cannot write to %s on the disk. Your hard disk may be full, or you may have hardware problems. Exit Publisher, check to make sure your hard disk is not full, check for hardware problems, and try again. For more information on possible solutions, press F1.
Publisher cannot translate the file. Publisher's file converters cannot translate this file. Make sure the file you're importing ...
Publisher cannot trap text with the emboss, engrave, outline, or shadow properties applied. Some of the selected text has ...
Publisher cannot wrap your text around the image. If you are running other programs, there may not be enough memory. To make ...
Publisher cannot write the converted file. Publisher's file converters cannot write the file. There may not be enough disk ...
Publisher cannot write to %s on the disk. Your hard disk may be full, or you may have hardware problems. Exit Publisher, ...
Publisher could not create the folder. You may be out of hard disk space. Try freeing up hard disk space, and then using ...
Publisher could not find any matching text. Text in data fields, text with phonetic guides, and horizontal text in vertical ...
Publisher could not launch Pantone's Color Management System. Check setup to make sure that the that the Not Available check ...
Publisher could not save the file. You may be out of hard disk space. Try freeing up disk space, and then using Pack and ...