Are you sure you want to delete the user "{0}"?
All information for this user will be deleted, including the user name, the user's membership in roles, and any profile property values associated with this user.
Applications communicate to remote applications via communication channels. Each channel might have properties that can be ...
ApplyConfiguration requires that the Description property be initialized. Either provide a valid ServiceDescription in the ...
ApplyConfiguration requires that the Endpoint property be initialized. Either provide a valid ServiceEndpoint in the CreateDescription ...
Are you sure you no longer want to be asked about components from the %1!s! zone? You will not be asked again and all components ...
Are you sure you want to delete the user " {0} "? All information for this user will be deleted, including the user name, ...
Are you sure you want to disable components from the %1!s! zone? You will not be asked again and no components from this ...
Are you sure you want to stop the download? If you click Yes, setup will save the items that are downloaded successfully ...
Argument '{0}' of activity '{1}' is bound to an expression that contains activity '{2}'. '{2}' can cause the expression to ...
Arguments '{0}' are not valid. Markup extensions require one equal sign between name and value, and one comma between constructor ...