Use NET USE to Map a network share point to a drive letter. NET USE \server-name\share-name /USER:domain-name\user-name password ...

Use NET USE to Map a network share point to a drive letter.    NET USE [\\server-name\share-name /USER:domain-name\user-name [password] | drive-letter: /d]    server-name             The server that you wish to connect to.    share-name              The share that you wish to connect to.    domain-name             The domain to use when validating the credentials                          for user-name.    user-name               The user within domain-name to use for connecting                          to \\server-name\share-name.    password                You may, optionally, enter the password on the command line.    Note:                   NET USE will prompt for the password if it is not on the                          command line and will automatically assign a drive letter                          to the connection if it successfully connects.    drive-letter            The drive letter that NET USE as assigned to a                          server connection.    /d                      Indicates that this connection is to be disconnected.
English (United States)