You are currently logged on with a user account that does not have sufficient privileges to change the service account. To change the service account, log on using an account that is a member of both local Administrators and AD RMS Enterprise Administrators group. If the configuration database for this cluster is stored on a remote database server, the account must also have the appropriate permissions on the database server. For example, if you are using a SQL Server to support your AD RMS cluster, your account must belong to the SQL SysAdmin group. If the Windows UAC is enabled, you must open the PowerShell command console using the "Run as Administrator" option.
You are currently connected to a Read Only domain controller(RODC) : '{0}'. Policy usage data fetched from RODCs may not ...
You are currently connected to a Read Only domain controller(RODC) : '{0}'. Resultant password replication policy data fetched ...
You are currently logged on as a Guest. Windows Media Center requires a non-Guest account. If you need to change your user ...
You are currently logged on with a user account that does not have sufficient privileges to change the service account. To ...
You are currently logged on with a user account that does not have sufficient privileges to change the service account. To ...
You are currently logged on with a user account that does not have sufficient privileges to view the service account. To ...
You are currently ripping a CD. If you eject the disc, the process may not finish and you may lose your data. Do you want ...
You are currently ripping a CD. If you exit, the process may not finish and you may lose your data. Do you want to stop ripping ...
You are currently running the Windows Deployment Services Image Capture Wizard. You may only run one instance of the wizard ...