You cannot make a task a predecessor of itself. If this task is dependent on another task, enter the ID number of the task it depends on and any pertinent task relationship information.
You cannot import a project to Project Web App that is already an enterprise project}Start the wizard again and then import ...
You cannot import or restore from a file of this format.}To import from this file, first convert the file by cancelling out ...
You cannot insert tasks before a project summary task. Because a project summary task summarizes your entire project, it ...
You cannot insert tasks before a project summary task.}Because a project summary task summarizes your entire project, it ...
You cannot make a task a predecessor of itself. If this task is dependent on another task, enter the ID number of the task ...
You cannot make a task a predecessor of itself.}If this task is dependent on another task, enter the ID number of the task ...
You cannot make an Internet site trusted from within Project.}You need to go to Internet Explorer to make this site trusted. ...
You cannot mix Versions. Enterprise Projects that have different version names cannot be linked or inserted in the same master ...
You cannot mix Versions.}Enterprise Projects that have different version names cannot be linked or inserted in the same master ...