You are installing or uninstalling %BRAND_OFFICE_SHORT% on company owned %BRAND_WINDOWS_10% devices for the group(s) below.
You are being prevented from removing your domain because your custom email address is set as your account's Primary alias. ...
You are currently using %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC% in trial mode. You must have a paid subscription to add a custom ...
You are currently using %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC% in trial mode. You must have a paid subscription to add a custom ...
You are eligible to install {0}, however Office deployment tool will uninstall the following Office applications. Once uninstalled ...
You are installing or uninstalling %BRAND_OFFICE_SHORT% on company owned %BRAND_WINDOWS_10% devices for the group(s) below. ...
You are not a local admin. In order to install, you must be a local admin. Click the help me fix this issue link for more ...
You are not authorized to accept this Delegated Administration request. A delegated administrator cannot accept requests ...
You are not authorized to add partner benefits to this account. Only global or billing administrators of a company can perform ...
You are not authorized to approve this delegated administration request. Only global or billing administrators of a company ...