Select one or more fields to map to the required logon information for this enterprise application. If necessary, see the documentation provided with the enterprise application to identify the required information and its appropriate order.
Select OK to set the regional settings to this site. Check the checkbox to have all subsites inherit these Regional Settings. ...
Select one of the following user accounts to create or open content with restricted permission. To use an account not listed ...
Select one or more audiences for this listing. Assigning audiences to a listing controls how the listing appears if the parent ...
Select one or more audiences for this news listing. Assigning audiences to a news listing controls how the news listing appears ...
Select one or more fields to map to the required logon information for this enterprise application. If necessary, see the ...
Select one or more styles to set whether the style appears by default in the recommended list and the order in which the ...
Select one picture, and then click all the red eyes you want to fix. When you are ready to make the correction, then click ...
Select options for downloaded content. Start downloading the selected item, show download progress, or change download properties ...
Select options to allow users to sort the view by clicking the column header, or leave the options unchecked to allow only ...