Please check that the Autodiscover endpoint of "{0}" is correct and can be accessed externally. If it's incorrect or can't be accessed externally, use an existing Autodiscover endpoint that can be accessed externally for the configuration of the intra-organization connector.
PlayOnPhoneGreeting Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of ...
PlayOnPhoneGreeting Requests is the total number of requests for the PlayOnPhoneGreeting web method since the service was ...
PlayOnPhoneGreeting Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the PlayOnPhoneGreeting web method ...
Please answer "Yes" or "No". Would you like to record a message to send to the organizer of the meeting that you're declining? ...
Please check that the Autodiscover endpoint of "{0}" is correct and can be accessed externally. If it's incorrect or can't ...
Please check the settings. Only one of the following can be specified: Extension, AutoAttendant, LeaveVoicemailFor, TransferToMailbox, ...
Please consult the Powershell FAQ at {0} and discussion forum at {1} for troubleshootng information. For more help, please ...
Please enter a temporary secure password for creating test users. For security purposes, the password will be changed regularly ...
Please make sure PowerShellMaxOperations >= PowerShellMaxCmdlet >= ExchangeMaxCmdlets. Currently, PowerShellMaxOperations ...