To initiate verifying, and optionally, fixing of inconsistencies in the scope database. Syntax: initiate reconcile fix Parameters: ...

To initiate verifying, and optionally, fixing of inconsistencies in   
the scope database.  
        initiate reconcile [fix] 
        fix            - Repairs any inconsistencies found when 
                         reconciling the scope.  
Example:       initiate reconcile 
               initiate reconcile fix 
               The first command example initiates a reconcile 
               operation in which the DHCP server examines and 
               compares information about the scope in the server 
               database to similar information mirrored in the Windows 
               registry. When used, any inconsistencies found are 
               reported only in the command output. The second command can 
               be used to repair any inconsistencies found during the 
               use of this command.