There was an error when starting up Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). Details: {0}. Resolve the issue that is causing this exception, and then restart the Microsoft BizTalk RFID service.
There was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete this installation.{ Folder: 3]. System error code: ...
There was an error during Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) restart; the process is terminating. Details: {0}. Resolve ...
There was an error loading resources for the messageManager section. Check that the baseName '{0}' is valid and a valid satellite ...
There was an error synchronizing the device data structures. Details: %1. If this situation persists, re-create the RFID ...
There was an error when starting up Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). Details: {0}. Resolve the issue that is causing ...
There was an error while processing the event handlers. For more information about the event handlers that could not be processed, ...
There was an error while subscribing to management events for firmware operations (error = {0}). Ignoring the error and continuing. ...
There was an exception while closing the device %1. If the situation persists, contact your provider vendor for further assistance. ...
There was an exception while dealing with the database: {0}. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and then retry ...