Set up templates for the journals that you use for bookkeeping tasks. Templates allow you to work in a journal window that is designed for a specific purpose.
Set up recurring sales lines for the customer, such as a monthly replenishment order, that can quickly be inserted on a sales ...
Set up reminder terms that you select from on customer cards to define when and how to remind the customer of late payments. ...
Set up responsibility centers to administer business operations that cover multiple locations, such as a sales offices or ...
Set up streams in social center link contains the help for creating streams and keeping track of live data streams in social ...
Set up templates for the journals that you use for bookkeeping tasks. Templates allow you to work in a journal window that ...
Set up the accounts to which transactions are posted for fixed assets for each posting group, so that you can assign them ...
Set up the country/regions where your different business partners are located, so that you can assign Country/Region codes ...
Set up the customer's own identification of items that you sell to the customer. Cross-references to the customer's item ...
Set up the database users and assign their permission sets to define which database objects, and thereby which UI elements, ...