Cashiers are required to enter card expiration dates. Credit cards and debit cards can be processed only if the Check expiration date option is selected.
cannot void the gift card. You can try voiding the gift card again or you can call the head office to void the card. Do you ...
Capitalize costs to balance accounts when transactions with this line property are posted. Capitalizing costs to balance ...
Carefully cut and paste inserted labels from the end of the text to the appropriate position including all label characters. ...
Carry forward any budget amounts that have not been used at the end of the year. This setting applies only to the project ...
Cashiers are required to enter card expiration dates. Credit cards and debit cards can be processed only if the Check expiration ...
Catalog %1 has been %2 successfully. To display an active catalog on the procurement site, a catalog policy rule must be ...
Catch weight enabled products exist for storage dimension group %1. Warehouse management processes cannot be enabled for ...
Catch weight products cannot be associated with a tracking dimension group where serial numbers are active only for the sales ...
Category cannot be deleted. The Hierarchy may have been modified since it was last loaded. Please refresh and retry the operation. ...