Cluster service encountered a fatal error. The vital quorum log file '%1' could not be found. If you have a backup of the ...

Cluster service encountered a fatal error. The vital quorum log  file '%1' could not be found. If you have a backup of the quorum log file, you  may try to start Cluster service with logging disabled by entering
net start clussvc /noquorumlogging
at a command window, copy the backed up quorum log file to the MSCS directory  on the quorum drive, stop Cluster service using 'net stop clussvc', and restart   Cluster service with logging re-enabled using the 'net start clussvc' command.   If you do not have a backup of the quorum log file, you may try to start   Cluster service by entering
net start clussvc /resetquorumlog
at a command window. This will attempt to create a new quorum log file based on   possibly stale information in the server cluster database. You may then stop   Cluster service and restart it with logging re-enabled using the 'net start clussvc'   command.
English (United States)