Cannot create items within this StorageFolder. This could be encountered if the folder was obtained by creating a query using grouping options.
Cannot create a WinRM listener on HTTPS because this machine does not have an appropriate certificate. To be used for SSL, ...
Cannot create both sides of the trust because a primary domain controller (PDC) for the specified domain cannot be contacted. ...
Cannot create child pool '%1' because the parent pool '%2' is of a different resource type. (Resource type %3, resource subtype ...
Cannot create child pool '%1' because the specified resource type is not supported. (Resource type %3, resource subtype '%4') ...
Cannot create items within this StorageFolder. This could be encountered if the folder was obtained by creating a query using ...
Cannot create new drive because the name specified in the PSDriveInfo '{0}' does not match the drive name specified in the ...
Cannot create or modify a child pool because the number of allocation settings objects does not match the number of parent ...
Cannot create or modify child pool '%2' because an '%3' object was specified for one or more parent pools. Use the correct ...
Cannot create or modify child pool '%2' because an '%3' object was specified for the allocation settings. Use the correct ...