A configuration started by {0} is currently in progress. Before you can start a configuration, {0} must log in to complete the current configuration or the configuration in progress must be canceled.
A conditional statement which evaluates to TRUE or FALSE to determine whether the Level value should be applied to the associated ...
A configuration registry node representing a driver service entry was ill-formed and did not contain required value entries. ...
A configuration started by another administrator is currently in progress. Before you can start a configuration, the other ...
A configuration started by another administrator is currently in progress. Before you can start a configuration, the other ...
A configuration started by {0} is currently in progress. Before you can start a configuration, {0} must log in to complete ...
A conflict has been detected between two drivers which claimed equivalent DMA channels. Driver %2, with device , claimed ...
A conflict has been detected between two drivers which claimed equivalent IRQs. Driver %2, with device , claimed an interrupt ...
A conflict has been detected between two drivers which claimed two overlapping Io port regions. Driver %2, with device , ...
A conflict has been detected between two drivers which claimed two overlapping memory regions. Driver %2, with device , claimed ...