|9 cannot create this file. To create the file, you must give the file a unique name, provide a valid connection string and user ID, and you must have the necessary connection and file creation permissions.@@@1@@@1
cannot complete this operation because it can't find or initialize the dynamic-link library AceRclr.@Rerun |9 or Microsoft ...
Cannot create relationships to enforce referential integrity. Existing data in table '|2' violates referential integrity ...
Cannot create the directory '[2]'. A file with this name already exists. Please rename or remove the file and click retry, ...
Cannot create the file '[2]'. A directory with this name already exists. Cancel the install and try installing to a different ...
cannot create this file. To create the file, you must give the file a unique name, provide a valid connection string and ...
cannot delete the SharePoint list, because you don't have the necessary permissions to delete the list or the list has been ...
cannot expand this subdatasheet because all of the records are locked. @Either the RecordLocks property of the form or report ...
Cannot find the database or some database objects that this page refers to. Update the connection information of the page, ...
cannot find the toolbar '|.'@You tried to run a macro that includes a ShowToolbar action or a Visual Basic for Applications ...