OneNote has not finished syncing the task changes to Outlook for the following items: |0You can close OneNote now and lose your changes. Or you can leave OneNote open for some time so that syncing can be completed. Do you want to close OneNote now?
OneNote crashed the last time you viewed this page. There are no earlier copies to revert to. Click Reload Page to attempt ...
OneNote detected that Windows Offline Files is offline, and some section files appear to be missing. The files may have been ...
OneNote has encountered an error and was forced to close while it was indexing a recording file for Audio Search. You can ...
OneNote has encountered an error and was forced to close while it was indexing or searching audio recordings. Do you want ...
OneNote has not finished syncing the task changes to Outlook for the following items: |0You can close OneNote now and lose ...
OneNote has previously made backup copies of the section you have protected. OneNote will not protect the existing backup ...
OneNote has repaired the following file: |0 Review the file to make sure no notes were lost. Backup files may be available ...
OneNote has repaired the following section file: |0 Review this section file to ensure that no notes were lost. If anything ...
OneNote has upgraded your notes to the new file format for OneNote 2007. Notes in the new format can only be opened in OneNote ...