Something went wrong while creating the group: {0}. Please try again later.
You can check Service Health to see if there is a known issue with %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT%.
If the problem continues, contact Support.
Something went wrong and the contacts couldn\'t be unlinked. If the problem continues, contact the person who handles your ...
Something went wrong and the suggestion couldn\'t be rejected. If the problem continues, contact the person who handles your ...
Something went wrong and we couldn't assign the product license. They won't be able to access %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% services ...
Something went wrong and we couldn\'t complete the sign-in. Please enter your password again. You may have to repeat this ...
Something went wrong while creating the group: {0} . Please try again later. You can check Service Health to see if there ...
Something went wrong while creating the meeting room {0} . Please try again later. You can check Service Health to make sure ...
Something went wrong while uploading to group files. If this is a new group, it\'s possible that its files are still being ...
Something went wrong. If this keeps happening, skip this step by choosing "Continue without an account name or email address". ...
Sometimes add-ins can conflict with Outlook, preventing it from starting. If this happens, disabling the add-in will fix ...