|9 can't create, open, or write to the index file '|1'; the information (.inf) file it uses to keep track of dBASE indexes.@The index file may be damaged, or you may not have read/write permission for the network drive you're trying to link to.@You can link to the dBASE file without specifying any dBASE indexes, but the existing indexes will not be used with the linked table.@1@@@1
can't create the output file.@* You may be out of disk space on the destination drive.* The network may not be working. Wait ...
can't create the |1.@Either there was an error getting information from the table or query you selected, or a new |2 could ...
can't create this relationship and enforce referential integrity.@* The fields you chose may have different data types.* ...
can't create this relationship and enforce referential integrity.@Data in the table '|1' violates referential integrity rules.For ...
can't create, open, or write to the index file '|1'; the information (.inf) file it uses to keep track of dBASE indexes.@The ...
can't delete all the records in the delete query.@|9 didn't delete |2 record(s) due to key violations and |3 record(s) due ...
can't delete this index.@This table participates in one or more relationships.@Delete its relationships in the Relationships ...
can't delete this relationship because you don't have the Data and Misc. Objects checked out.@Check out the Data and Misc. ...
can't delete |1 after compacting it. The compacted database has been named |2.@If you compact a database using the same name, ...