The object consists of the following properties 1. Status of RADIUS accounting (Disabled, Windows, ExternalRadius) and list ...

The object consists of the following properties
1. Status of RADIUS accounting (Disabled, Windows, ExternalRadius) and list of RADIUS servers (and their below properties) in the case of ExternalRadius accounting. If there is no external radius accounting enabled then the list of Radius servers is empty
 Server address - IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname
 Purpose of the server: will be 'Accounting'
 Initial score
 Radius Timeout in seconds
 Radius port
 Radius shared secret
 Status of accounting on/off messages (enabled or disabled)
 Status of message authenticator: will always be blank
2. Status of inbox accounting (Enabled, Disabled) and  its properties, viz.
 Time span of the store
 No. of used bytes
 Used bytes in percentage
 No. of free bytes
 Free bytes in percentage
 Time stamp of the first record in the database
 Time stamp of the last record in the database