During the past %1 hours there have been %2 connections to this Domain Controller from client machines whose IP addresses ...

During the past %1 hours there have been %2 connections to this Domain  Controller from client machines whose IP addresses don't map to any of  the existing sites in the enterprise. Those clients, therefore, have  undefined sites and may connect to any Domain Controller including  those that are in far distant locations from the clients. A client's site  is determined by the mapping of its subnet to one of the existing sites.  To move the above clients to one of the sites, please consider creating  subnet object(s) covering the above IP addresses with mapping to one of the  existing sites.  The names and IP addresses of the clients in question have  been logged on this computer in the following log file  '%SystemRoot%\debug
etlogon.log' and, potentially, in the log file  '%SystemRoot%\debug
etlogon.bak' created if the former log becomes full.  The log(s) may contain additional unrelated debugging information. To filter  out the needed information, please search for lines which contain text  'NO_CLIENT_SITE:'. The first word after this string is the client name and  the second word is the client IP address. The maximum size of the log(s) is  controlled by the following registry DWORD value  'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
etlogon\Parameters\LogFileMaxSize';  the default is %3 bytes.  The current maximum size is %4 bytes.  To set a  different maximum size, create the above registry value and set the desired  maximum size in bytes.
English (United States)