Context not supported: this conversation includes context which requires a Microsoft (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) plug-in for {\b %1}. Please contact your administrator to enable this context.
Cannot use the distribution group service because the service address is incorrect, although the service is available. Contact ...
Changes to this occurrence won't apply to the Lync Meeting associated with this series. To change the Lync Meeting, open ...
Changes will take effect after you exit and restart (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT).Please also restart (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) ...
Click a button below to add or change one of your numbers. To include the number in your contact card, select the check box. ...
Context not supported: this conversation includes context which requires a Microsoft (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) plug-in for ...
Context not supported: this conversation includes context which requires a Microsoft (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) plug-in. Please ...
Conversations, you have %1!s! missed conversations. There are Exchange connectivity issues. Your conversation history cannot ...
Could not automatically save your instant message conversation. To save manually, click Save As on the File menu of the conversation ...
could not be added because your Contacts list contains the maximum number of groups or contacts.Delete one or more contacts ...