Specifies whether links to Web sites are available in Windows Movie Maker. These links include the "Windows Movie Maker on ...

"Specifies whether links to Web sites are available in Windows Movie Maker. These links include the "Windows Movie Maker on the Web" and "Privacy Statement" commands that appear on the Help menu, as well as the "Learn more about video filters" hyperlink in the Options dialog box and the "sign up now" hyperlink in the "The Web" saving option in the Save Movie Wizard.

The "Windows Movie Maker on the Web" command lets users go directly to the Windows Movie Maker Web site to get more information, and the "Privacy Statement" command lets users view information about privacy issues in respect to Windows Movie Maker. The "Learn more about video filters" hyperlink lets users learn more about video filters and their role in saving movies process in Windows Movie Maker.  The "sign up now" hyperlink lets users sign up with a video hosting provider on the Web.

If you enable this setting, the previously mentioned links to Web sites from Windows Movie Maker are disabled and cannot be selected.

If you disable or do not configure this setting, the previously mentioned links to Web sites from Windows Movie Maker are enabled and can be selected."
English (United States)