Attempting to uninstall a customization that has not been installed on this computer or has already been uninstalled from this computer. Please correct the parameter values and try again.
Attempt to lock physical memory failed. There is not enough contiguous memory available or you do not have sufficient permissions ...
Attempt to reference named object(s) '{0}' which have not yet been defined. Forward references, or references to objects ...
Attempt to unregister document {0} failed because either it is not registered as a related item or the registration count ...
Attempted overwrite of read-only property. A property value set during report item definition generation cannot be reset ...
Attempting to uninstall a customization that has not been installed on this computer or has already been uninstalled from ...
Attendees can access the site after you send the initial meeting request. Adding or deleting attendees later requires sending ...
Attribute '%1' is not valid on a master page. However, the visual designer accepts this attribute while you are editing the ...
Attribute constructor has a 'ByRef' parameter of type '|1'; cannot use constructors with byref parameters to apply the attribute. ...
Attribute constructor has a parameter of type '|1', which is not an integral, floating-point or Enum type or one of Object, ...