The local read only domain controller (RODC) attempted to update its functional level by writing the following value the ...

The local read only domain controller (RODC) attempted to update its functional level by writing the following value the following attribute of the following object on the following writable domain controller (DC).  This attempt failed.  This attempt will be retried.  However, this update will only succeed if the functional level of the writable DC is at least Windows Server 2008 R2.  This error will re-occur until the update attempt is made against such a writable DC.

This situation may correct itself automatically.  If this error is encountered again, manual intervention may be necessary.

User Action

To resolve this situation manually, the correct functional level of this RODC should be written to the specified attribute of the specified object on a writable DC in this domain.  The functional level of that writable DC must be at least Windows Server 2008 R2.

Attribute name: 

Correct functional level of this RODC: 

Object DN: 

Writable DC name used in this attempt: 