%11Configuration is corrupted for %1. Possible cause: incorrectly set configuration through SDK. Solution: delete and reset configuration through Admin Console. %12%0
ConfigMgr failed to connect to the site server's certificate store to validate the certificate based on the thumbprint you ...
ConfigMgr has detected that this record has the same hardware ID as an existing client record. You can create a new record ...
ConfigMgr server cannot accomplish tasks in Active Directory.%12 Possible cause: The credentials used to connect to the Domain ...
ConfigMgr stopped downloading the following software when this computer disconnected from the private network for your organization. ...
Configuration is corrupted for %1. Possible cause: incorrectly set configuration through SDK. Solution: delete and reset ...
Configuration Item contains rules that are referencing to settings no longer available. Remove these rules before making ...
Configuration items define a configuration and associated validation criteria to be asserted for compliance on client devices. ...
Configuration items define a configuration and associated validation criteria to be assessed for compliance on client devices. ...
Configuration items in Configuration Manager 2007 might contain rules that are not supported by Configuration Manager 2012. ...