Parameters: Value Description Required. Common name (CN) of the sitelink to add. If the target object is omitted, it will ...

Parameters:    Value                   Description            Required. Common name (CN) of the sitelink to add.     If the target object is omitted, it will be taken     from standard input (stdin).            Required/stdin. Names of two or more sites to add to                          the sitelink. If names are omitted they will be taken                          from standard input (stdin) to support piping of                          output from another command as input of this command.  -transport {ip | smtp}  Sets site link transport type (IP or SMTP).                          Default: IP.  -cost             Sets the cost for the sitelink to the value .                          Default: 100.  -replint  Sets replication interval for the sitelink to                           minutes. Default: 180.  -desc      Sets the sitelink description to .  -autobacksync {yes | no}                          Sets whether the two-way sync option should be turned                          on (yes) or not (no). Default: no.  -notify {yes | no}      Set if notification by source on this link should                          be turned on (yes) or off (no). Default: no.  {-s  | -d }                          -s  connects to the domain controller (DC)                          with name .                          -d  connects to a DC in domain .                          Default: a DC in the logon domain.  -u            Connect as . Default: the logged in user.                          User name can be: user name, domain\user name,                          or user principal name (UPN).  -p { | *}                          Password for the user . If * is entered     then you are prompted for a password.  -q                      Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.  {-uc | -uco | -uci} -uc Specifies that input from or output to pipe is     formatted in Unicode.      -uco Specifies that output to pipe or file is      formatted in Unicode.      -uci Specifies that input from pipe or file is     formatted in Unicode.
English (United States)