($PRODUCTNAME_S_00) can't connect to your desk phone because you're not signed in. Make sure the phone is connected to the network, and enter your sign-in info on the desk phone if necessary.
Please provide the user name and password for the above network. The information below cannot be protected and can be seen ...
Please send this meeting invite before joining the meeting. Otherwise, the meeting could end abruptly if you close the invite. ...
Please sign in to Skype for Business to start working with Skype Meetings. Your administrative privileges also have to be ...
PRODUCTNAME_S_00) can't connect to your desk phone because you're not signed in on the phone. Make sure the phone is connected ...
PRODUCTNAME_S_00) can't connect to your desk phone because you're not signed in. Make sure the phone is connected to the ...
PRODUCTNAME_S_00) can't sign in. You might not have the permissions needed for ($PRODUCTNAME_S_00) to access the Windows ...
PRODUCTNAME_S_00) cannot connect to or did not receive a response from the server. Contact your support team with this information. ...
PRODUCTNAME_S_00) cannot connect to the server because the required security is not in place on the server. Contact your ...
PRODUCTNAME_S_00) cannot connect to your desk phone because the sign-in address on the desk phone does not match the ($PRODUCTNAME_S_00) ...