Some of your changes conflict with other updates made by others. You need to resolve them before you can upload your document.
Some of the features in this document aren't supported by rich text format e-mail messages. You can switch to HTML format, ...
Some of the files used by the XML expansion pack are in use and could not be updated. Restart the application or computer ...
Some of the regions you can edit overlap, and it is not possible to show them at the same time. Use the 'Find Next Region ...
Some of the XML elements or attributes in this document no longer exist in the attached schemas. As a result, has associated ...
Some of your changes conflict with other updates made by others. You need to resolve them before you can upload your document. ...
Someone else is using an earlier version of Word to work on this document.To make sure you're both seeing the same content, ...
Specify the expiration time for the completed job history. Expired jobs are not removed until the job history removal timer ...
Specify the frequency with which groups of conversions are started, and the number of conversions within each group. Setting ...
Specify the frequency with which groups of translations are started, and the number of translations within each group. Setting ...